Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.Common by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version:
  • Roslyn CodeAnalysis Compiler CSharp VB VisualBasic Parser Scanner Lexer Emit CodeGeneration Metadata IL Compilation Scripting Syntax Semantics
Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") shared scripting package. Do not install this package manually, it will be added as a prerequisite by other packages that require it. More details at This package was built from the source at
Microsoft.CSharp by: Microsoft
  • 10 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.7.0-preview3.19551.4
Provides support for compilation and code generation, including dynamic, using the C# language. Commonly Used Types: Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfoFlags Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpBinderFlags When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 0.7.1-beta
ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of a .NET program much in the same way that the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS) do. This allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications as well as automate many common debugger tasks. In addition to reading crash dumps ClrMD also allows supports attaching to live processes.
Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions by: Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions by: Microsoft
  • 15 total downloads
  • Latest version: 3.1.1
Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.2.3
  • Entity Framework Core entity-framework-core EF Data O/RM EntityFramework EntityFrameworkCore EFCore
Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. Commonly Used Types: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbSet This package was built from the source code at
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.1.2
  • Entity Framework Core,entity-framework-core,EF,Data,O/RM,In-Memory
In-memory database provider for Entity Framework Core (to be used for testing purposes).
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 9.0.0-rc.1.24431.7
JSON configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. This package enables you to read your application's settings from a JSON file. You can use JsonConfigurationExtensions.AddJsonFile extension method on IConfigurationBuilder to add the JSON configuration provider to the configuration builder.
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.TraceSource by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.0.0-preview.4.22229.4
TraceSource logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This logger logs messages to a trace listener by writing messages with System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceEvent().
Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions by: Microsoft
  • 2 total downloads
  • Latest version: 5.0.0-preview.5.20278.1
Provides additional configuration specific functionality related to Options. When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 9.0.0-rc.1.24452.1
  • aspnetcore
Contains registration and configuration APIs to add the core framework encoders to a dependency injection container. This package was built from the source code at
Microsoft.Identity.Client by: Microsoft
  • 49 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.64.2-preview
  • Microsoft Authentication Library MSA MSAL B2C Azure Active Directory AAD Identity Authentication .NET Windows Store MAUI
This package contains the binaries of the Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET (MSAL.NET). MSAL.NET makes it easy to obtain tokens from the Microsoft identity platform for developers (formerly Azure AD v2.0) signing-in users with work & school accounts, Microsoft personal accounts, and social identities via Azure AD B2C. These tokens provide access to Microsoft Cloud API and any other API secured by the Microsoft identity platform. This version supports adding authentication functionality to your .NET based clients - .NET, .NET Framework, .NET MAUI
Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal by: Microsoft
  • 30 total downloads
  • Latest version: 4.64.2-preview
  • Microsoft Authentication Library MSA MSAL B2C Azure Active Directory AAD Identity Authentication .NET Windows Store MAUI
This package contains the public client (desktop) caching to Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET (MSAL.NET)
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.1.1
  • .NET Windows Authentication Identity SecurityTokens Cryptographic operations Signing Verifying Signatures Encryption
Includes types that provide support for SecurityTokens, Cryptographic operations: Signing, Verifying Signatures, Encryption.
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 2.0.0-preview2-final
  • http
HTTP header parser implementations.
Microsoft.NET.StringTools by: Microsoft
  • 0 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.11.4
  • MSBuild
This package contains the Microsoft.NET.StringTools assembly which implements common string-related functionality such as weak interning.
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk by: Microsoft
  • 0 total downloads
  • Latest version: 17.2.1
  • vstest visual-studio unittest testplatform mstest microsoft test testing
The MSbuild targets and properties for building .NET test projects.
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostResolver by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 7.0.20
Provides an implementation of framework resolution strategy used by Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHost
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms by: Microsoft
  • 1 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.0.0-preview.7.23375.6
Provides runtime information required to resolve target framework, platform, and runtime specific implementations of .NETCore packages.
Microsoft.Orleans.Client by: Microsoft
  • 0 total downloads
  • Latest version: 8.1.0-preview1
  • Orleans Cloud-Computing Actor-Model Actors Distributed-Systems C# .NET
Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the client.